However, sitting down to do a bit of work today and finding myself procrastinating as usual, I remembered that I needed to produce a resource to help my Year 7 and 8 classes develop their routines and in turn, their classroom language. I am fortunate enough to have what I think is the best department in the world; we work together exceptionally well and we all contribute resources to our departmental Google Drive account (Which, by the way, is a wonderful way of collaborating and has completely changed the way I work. I never use a memory pen. If your school sets it up as an education establishment, you get the education version with unlimited memory and also you get the benefit of Google Classroom, which is also awesome! Anyway, I digress!). My amazing RQT @sophiamccrea had produced something of this ilk and I was able to adapt it, so that it is organised in a way that I could use it. I also made some minor alterations to suit the way I teach.
If you click here, you will have access to my 'Reg and exit' slides. If you want to edit it, you will have to make a copy. It will also download as a PowerPoint presentation, but you will lose the fonts and some of the tables will look different. If you want to know how I will use it, you will need to read my previous posts about routines, classroom language routines etc. I will add more as I go along (although not on the slides I have posted here) as their confidence grows.
Kinda looking forward to Monday!